The Moral Imagination
Håller på att läsa denna bok, läst halva idag, ska läsa halva imorgon. Picked up on something that will cheer you guys up :D Bönder i Colombia startade en grupp "Association of Peasant Workerks of Carare" (ATCC) för att stå emot de väpnade grupperna som försökte ta deras land. De ville varken flytta eller gå med i gerilla-grupperna. Deras principer var:
- Faced with individualization: Solidarity.
- Faced with the Law of Silence and Secrecy: Do everything publicly. Speak loud and never hide anything.
- Faced with fear: Sincerity and disposition to dialogue. We shall understand those who do not understand us.
- Faced with Violence: Talk and negotiate with everyone. We do not have enemies.
- Faced with exclusion: Find support in others. Individually we are weak, but together we are strong
- Faced with the need for a strategy: Transparency. We will tell every armed group exactly what we have talked about with other armed groups. And we will tell it all to the community.