6 years without Michael <3

Sex år utan Michael </3 Så vi åkte ned till Danmark för att vara med danska fanklubben över helgen. Tack alla ni <3 Vi avslutade helgen med ett besök hos Johannes i Lund :)

Midsommar 2015 - allmogefest

Memory Lane på Hisingen
I helgen var jag hemma och myste. Dessa bilder blandas med dagens äventyr på Hisingen med Marcus då vi besökte min farmors grav och hennes gamla lägenhet. Så mycket minnen! :'D

The Dark Tower

Jag läste ut The Dark Tower i helgen. Det känns avigt. Det är svårt att lämna ett universa (eller ett multiuniversa i detta fall) efter att ha bott i det i flera år. Jag vet vad som händer. Efter sju böcker vet jag faktiskt hur det slutar. Jag grät mycket genom sista boken, och när jag läste det allra sista kapitlet (efter att jag hade fegat ur och lagt ifrån mig boken i någon timma, bara för att ta upp den igen och läsa det sista) skrek jag rakt ut (because år av anspänning). AAAAAAAAAAH
Nu är det över, och som alltid vill jag skriva av mig några av några särskilt underbara fragment av den sista boken. Inga direkta spoilers av handlingen, men som er som vill uppleva allt själva, spara er tills ni läser boken :)
Do any of us, except in our dreams, truly expect to be reunited with our hearts' deepest loves, even when they leave us, only for minutes, and on the most mundane of errands? No, not at all. Each time they go from our sight we in our secret hearts count them as dead. Haven been given so much, we reason, how could we expect not to be brought as low as Lucifer for the staggering presumption of our love?
s. 108
Maybe once, just after the Pim withdrew and Gan's voice still echoed in the rooms of the macroverse, the Beams were smooth and polished, but those days are gone. Now the way of the Bear and the Turtle is lumpy and eroded, full of coves and cols and bays and cracks, plenty of places to get your fingers in and take hold, and sometimes you drag at it and sometimes you can feel yourself worming your way into it like a drop of acid that can think. All these sensations are intensly pleasurable. Sexy.
s. 235
His head is directly in front of the sun, and it makes a fierce corona around him. His features are lost in blackness.
But he's holding out his hands.
Part of her doesen't want to take them, and do ya not kennit? Part of her would end it here and send him into the Badlands alone. No matter what Eddioe wanted. No matter what Jake undoubtedly wanted, too. This dark shape with the sun blazing around its head has dragged her out of a mostly comfortable life (oh yes, she had her ghosts - and at least one mean-hearted demon, as well - but which of us don't?). He has introduced her first to love, then to pain, then to horror and loss.The deal's run pretty much downhill, in other words. [...] Part of her would turn him away, not to end his quest or break his spirit (only death will do those things), but to take such lights as remains out of his eyes and punish him for relentless unmeaning cruelty. But ka is the wheel to which we all are bound, and when the wheel turns we must perforce turn with it, first with our heads up to heaven and then revolving hell-ward again, where the brains inside them seem to burn. And so, instead of turning away -
s. 433
It was then, as the eager rooks tore Rando Thoughtful's eyes from their living sockets, that the ex-Minister of State uttered the rising howl Roland and Susannah heard as they neared the edge of Castle-town. The birds wh couldn't find a roosting-place hung around him in a living thunderhead. They turned him on his levitating heels and carried him toward the changeling, who had now advanced to the center of the bridge and squatted there. The boots and rotted pillowtick coat had been left behind for the nonce on the town side of the bridge; what waited for sai Thoughtful, reared up on its back legs, foreleges pawing the air, red mark on its hairy belly all to visible, was Dan-Tete, the Little Red King.
The man floated to his fate, shrieking and eyeless.He thrusts his hands out in front of him, making warding off-gestures, and the spider's legs seized one of them, guided it into the bristling maw of its mouth, and bit it off with a candy-cane crunch.
s. 505

Marcus fyller år!
Ledigheten sitter fint kan jag tala om för er som inte upplever den eller precis börjat uppleva den. Jag jobbar ju kvällar, men det känns inte som att det är ett jobb, kan inte fatta att jag får betalt för att prata om det jag brinner för - djurs rättigheter :D
Imorgon fyller Marcus år så vi ska åka till hans familj i Vetlanda i helgen, men först väntar middag på en deli i Haga med rödtjut och sånt strunt <3
You're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
Oh, I could drink a case of you darling